Edgar Center Redesign

Oro Medonte, Ontario, Canada

Project Manager

Jeff McCuaig, P. Eng.

Technical Members

Edward Sanchez, P. Eng.

Noam Itzkovsky, P. Eng.

Kevin Filion, CET

Marcus O'Mara

Stephen Samek

Stephen Vasilopoulos

Related Services

Project Overview

On May 29th, 1951 a joint Canadian (RCAF) and American (USAF) project tookplace. Its purpose was to mount a defense against possible Soviet air threatsagainst North America. It was estimated that by 1954, the USSR would have thecapability to send long-range bombers. The project would see the construction of aseries of radar bases all along the country to provide advanced warning of incomingaircraft. CFB Edgar (site C-4 or call sign "Cupid") was built as a radar station for theDepartment of National Defense (DND) in November of 1950. It was completed inSeptember 1952 under the command of HC Vinnicombe. It consisted of three"Armco" huts, sixty-five married quarters, a school, heating plant, sewage disposalplant, fire hall, pump house, mess hall, barracks, and homes for the servicemenand women. Facilities included a 10 bed Sick Quarters which provided medical anddental services; also a recreation building that housed a gymnasium, swimmingpool, club room, general store, barbershop, and post office.

Now, the former military base is in the process of re-development for a newresidential subdivision with over 200 estate lots, on approximately 46ha of land.The proposed development will incorporate a combination of urban and semi-urbanroad cross sections. The sanitary sewage system will be comprised of gravity andforcemain sewers that will eventually outlet to an upgraded on-site wastewatertreatment plant and exfiltration lagoon. The site will also include a stormwatermanagement block, upgrades to existing on-site wells, refurbishing an existingwater reservoir, and the installation of pumps to deliver the ultimate design of theproposed water demand conditions.

Project Features

• Abandoned sanitary sewers and decommissioned septic systems from themilitary base

• New sanitary infrastructure with an upgraded wastewater treatment facility

• New raw water pump station and separate supply main with a new boosterstation and chlorination and disinfection building

• Refurbishing existing water wells and reservoir

• Stormwater management facility employing a wet cell for quality control anda dry cell for quantity control

• Erosion and sediment control strategy to mitigate transportation of silt off-site to the existing roads and sewers